Magherabeg (A)

An Machaire Beag (u​n moch​ireh byu​g​) – Magherabeg; the small plain.

Stuaic na Teorann (​st​oo-ek ​n​uh tohr​u​n​) – A sand dune on the border between the commonages of Kilshannig and Magherabeg.

The Wet Log – A dune slack covered with water
in winter. Used as a football pitch during the 1950’s.

The Bank of the Wet Log.

The Pound – Whenever tenants were unable or unwilling to pay their tithes, rent or poor rates, their animals or crops were seized, impounded here and sold. The impounding of animals reached its zenith during the Tithes War of the early 1830’s.

The Páirc Nuas (​p​awrk ​n​oh) – The new fields; some of the few fields mapped as in the 1837-42 Ordnance Survey Map.

Loch na Páirce (​l​u​ch​ ​n​uh ​pawrkeh) – The lake of the fields.

Portcáinín Coyle – Port Sheáinín (​p​u​rt ​k*awneen) Coyle.

Stuaic Sheáinín (​st​oo-ek k*awneen) Coyle – Seánín Coyle’s bank/dune.

The Paddock.

An Cúlóg (un k*ool​oh​g​) – The small nook/recess.

Clocha Dubha (​kluch​uh ​d​oo) – Black stones.

The Scraw Ditch – In 1890, earthen fences were built along the new Maharee road to protect it from blowing sand. During the early 1930’s, agricultural prices collapsed as a result of the Economic War. In order to create local employment and to prevent sand from blowing on to the road, Kerry County Council commenced a scheme to reinforce the fences.

The Lonesome Hole – A low point on the present road to Castlegregory, running through a dune slack, associated in the past with ghostly appearances at night.

Na Clocha Dubha
(​kluch​uh ​d​oo) – The Clocha Dubhas – fields.

Poll Buí (​p​ou​l b​wee) – The yellow hole.

Béal Geal (bee-u​l ​ga​l​) – The bright opening/mouth.

The Béal Geals – Fields.

Old Magherabeg – The location of the original settlement of Magherabeg is unknown. Around the turn of the eighteenth century, blowing sand forced the inhabitants to move to a location overlooking the sea near The Bior. In 1841, the village had